The basic salary in Taiwan in 2024 has been adjusted, with specific information as follows:
Basic salary
- Monthly salary : From January 1, 2024, the basic monthly salary will be NT$27,470 , up from NT$26,400 .
- Hourly wage : The new wage is NT$183/hour , up from NT$176/hour .
See more: Taiwan and Vietnam currency exchange rates .
Reasons for increasing basic salary
- Economic growth : Taiwan is experiencing strong economic growth, creating a demand for high-quality human resources.
- Rising Prices : Prices of goods and services in Taiwan are on the rise, forcing the minimum wage to be adjusted to ensure a stable standard of living for workers.
- Labor development policy : The Taiwanese government has implemented many policies to increase basic wages and improve working conditions for workers.
Overtime pay
Overtime wages in Taiwan are regulated as follows:
- Overtime hours during the day :
- First 2 hours: 1.33 times hourly rate .
- From 3rd hour onwards: 1.66 times hourly wage .
- Overtime hours on holidays :
- Hours worked on holidays will be calculated at double the basic hourly rate.
Adjusting the basic wage and overtime pay not only helps workers have a better life but also promotes Taiwan’s sustainable economic development.

Advantages of Increasing Base Salary
- Personal Income Growth : Workers will have higher incomes, helping to improve their lives and living standards.
- Increased Work Motivation : Increased base salary motivates employees to work harder and more efficiently.
- Improve Working Environment : Increasing basic salary contributes to improving the working environment, helping employees feel more cared for and appreciated.
The basic wage and overtime pay in Taiwan in 2024 have been significantly increased, helping to ensure the living standards and rights of workers. This is an important step in Taiwan’s economic and social development.