Exchange Rate From New Taiwan Dollar to Vietnamese Dong
Currency Converter TWD - VND
New Taiwan Dollar (TWD)
The New Taiwan Dollar (Chinese: 新台幣; pinyin: Xīn rebi), abbreviated as TWD, symbol NT$, is the official currency of Taiwan (Chinese Taipei). The New Taiwan Dollar is issued and managed by the Central Bank of Taiwan.
Exchange rate:
- The New Taiwan Dollar’s exchange rate against other currencies often fluctuates depending on global financial markets and the monetary policy of the Central Bank of Taiwan.
Vietnamese Dong
Vietnamese Dong (Code VND, symbol: ₫ or đ ), is the official currency of Vietnam. The Dong is issued and managed by the State Bank of Vietnam.
Compare Exchange Rates of New Taiwan Dollar and Vietnamese Dong

The exchange rate between New Taiwan Dollar and Dong frequently changes over time. To know the current exchange rate between New Taiwan Dollar and Dong, you can refer to financial and banking websites or online exchange rate tracking applications.
- When making international transactions or traveling, monitor exchange rates regularly to get accurate information and avoid financial risks.
Exchange Rate TWD to VND today, on 2025-02-12
- 1 TWD (1 NT$) = 778 VND
- 5 TWD (5 NT$) = 3.890 VND
- 10 TWD (10 NT$) = 7.780 VND
- 50 TWD (50 NT$) = 38.898 VND
- 100 TWD (100 NT$) = 77.797 VND
- 200 TWD (200 NT$) = 155.593 VND
- 500 TWD (500 NT$) = 388.983 VND
- 1.000 TWD (1 thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 777.966 VND
- 5.000 TWD (5 thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 3.889.829 VND
- 10.000 TWD (1 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 7.779.659 VND
- 20.000 TWD (2 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 15.559.317 VND
- 30.000 TWD (3 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 23.338.976 VND
- 50.000 TWD (5 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 38.898.294 VND
- 100.000 TWD (10 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 77.796.587 VND
- 500.000 TWD (50 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 388.982.935 VND
- 1.000.000 TWD (100 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 777.965.871 VND
- 2.000.000 TWD (200 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 1.555.931.741 VND
- 5.000.000 TWD (500 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 3.889.829.353 VND
- 10.000.000 TWD (1000 ten thousand New Taiwan Dollars) = 7.779.658.706 VND
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